Weekly Zodiac Horoscope June 6th - June 13th

Weekly Zodiac Horoscope June 6th - June 13th - Eat.Read.Love.

Here is this week's Zodiac horoscope by Sal, for the first week of June 6th to June 13th. For each weekly horoscope, they are read by the ascendant sign.

Aries Horoscope - This week is a great time for romance and self-care. If you are in a relationship then this week is filled with perfection and fun dates! If you are single then there is a good chance that romance may come to you this week. It is a great time to also start journaling and writing down your goals as you will feel very creative during this time.

Taurus Horoscope - Allow your mind to open up to the big ideas that it may have. You will feel very energized and motivated this week, however tensions may rise so make sure to keep your cool. Use Selenite to help cleanse all the negative tensions that might surface.

Gemini Horoscope - It is the perfect time for a mini vacation or a getaway as you may have a lot on your mind. There will be unstable income to be sure to manage your money right. There will also be high pressure at work, so try to use a Clear Quartz crystal to help keep you relaxed. Reconnecting with your father or an old friend this week is in the cards.

Cancer Horoscope - Your mother or friends will need your attention this week, so try to balance your time wisely as it is important to be there for them. Make sure to carry a Beryl crystal around with you this week to improve your happiness as there may be some arguments with your partner. Meditation is important for you this week.

Leo Horoscope - Your siblings may need you this week. Whether it is for money, advice, or just emotional support, make sure to be available for them. At this time, you have an increased potential for partnership or strengthening of a current partnership if you are in one. You will also be recognized at work, which may warrant in a raise.

Virgo Horoscope - This week is a great week for romance and to try some new hobbies. If you have been waiting to pursue that special someone then there is no better time than this week. You might finish off paying debts at this time; however, your mother will ask for financial help. A great stone to use this week for Virgos is Malachite.

Libra Horoscope - This week, you will be extra motivated to reach all of your goals. It is also still a great time for you to start a business or any sort of investing. Any held secrets may come to the surface this week, so be sure to be truthful. Use Kyanite this week for help with meditation because tension with your mother is in the cards.

Scorpio Horoscope - Your emotions will be up and down this week, so try to stay grounded by using Hematite. Income will be at an all-time high, but you may have some tension with your kids.

Sagittarius Horoscope - You will find the happiness and confidence that you have long been searching for. A glow up and improvement in looks are in the cards as well. An ex may come back into your life this week, so make sure to stay level headed. An Amber crystal will help you while also helping to clear your mind.

Capricorn Horoscope - Improvements in finances and income this week; however, you may change your career. You will also be the center of attention and receive a lot of love, so make sure to stay humble. A good crystal for you to use this week is Moonstone to help you keep your emotions in check.

Aquarius Horoscope - Your partner will need you a bit extra this week, so make sure to be available for them. Unforeseen expenses may occur, but using Pyrite will help lessen losses at this time. You may feel extra tired or lethargic this week, so make sure to get a lot of rest.

Pisces Horoscope - Amazing time for finances and business. You will feel a bit lost and hopeless this week, however you have luck on your side so it is a good time for you to try new things. Using Fluorite will help give you the confidence and push you to try these new things.Β 

Make sure to check back weekly for your Zodiac Horoscope by Sal to get a glimpse into what your June may look like.

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1 comment

I’m glad to be apart of your community of happiness & love ..I’m enjoying my crystal ,candles & etc.
I enjoy your sense of humor & it’s never a dull moment with you .I honestly feel like I know you personally πŸ₯° many blessings to you my love πŸ™ŒπŸΎβ™οΈ


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